Origins Network Genealogy News
- Three Additional Counties on British Origins 1871 England & Wales Census
- Militia Records on British Origins
Lancashire, Somerset & Essex now available on 1871 Census
The counties of Lancashire, Somerset and Essex are now available for searching in the 1871 Census on British Origins. Over 3.7 million additional names are now available for searching, bringing the total number of names on all the British Origins Censuses to over 50 Million. All these records are fully indexed with images.
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Militia Records on British Origins
22,575 extra Militia records are now available on British Origins bringing the total to 86,081 recruits.
New counties available for searching are: Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Kent and Yorkshire.
Militia Attestations can be very fruitful sources of genealogical data. They were documents filled in at the time of recruitment and contain much personal data. The Origins Network will be making available indexes to over a hundred thousand militia attestations, covering the whole of the British Isles, for the period of late 19th & early 20th centuries.
The following counties are now covered:
Cheshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Hampshire, Kent, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Surrey and Yorkshire, and south and central Scotland; the Irish Origins database contains an index to a further 12,500 men who applied to militias in Ireland.
Search unique collections from the 1400s to the 1900s on Irish Origins