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Dig even deeper into your family's past when you join today!
Tony Robinson Popular historian and TV personality
If you have already had a free trial, we hope you've enjoyed your time digging around However, if you haven't fully signed up yet, you're still only scratching the surface of what you can discover.
So why not sign up today - and dig even deeper? You'll discover a wealth of information about your family - important dates, where and when they lived, what their jobs were - and much more. And as you explore your records, you'll uncover even more family members.
Start building your family tree today, adding yourself, your parents and grandparents - and we'll start the detective work for you.
Because whenever you add a name to your tree we automatically search through all our records - including Birth Marriage & Death Indexes and Census records for family members who were alive in 1901 and earlier.
We then flag up any potential matches with a little green leaf symbol - click on it and you can see the actual record, which you then need to check to make sure it's a correct match. Once you are sure it is, you can attach the record to the appropriate person in your tree and start building their 'life timeline'. We even search other members' family trees for matches, allowing you to get in touch with people looking for the same names.
To bring your family tree to life, you can even add photos of people and places, scans of family documents, for example certificates, and personal stories, then invite friends and relatives to view your tree online. You can even let them add their own findings to your tree - creating a rich family history that everyone can enjoy.
So why not sign up today by clicking here Click Here UK Annual membership is just £79.95 and you'll get full access to all UK records on
You'll be amazed at what you can dig up.
The Membership Team