This new feature on Maximilian Genealogy allows registered users (its free to register) to access many gedcoms submitted by other users as well as some of our own, created from the main subscription database and other sources.
The release of this resource has come about from feedback by some site visitors who asked if there was a way to view and share their Family Tree data (gedcom files) without having to create a web site or by some other complicated means.
Site visitors are invited to contribute and also register to this resource, so that over time it will be a valuable reference work.
You are still invited to subscribe to the main subscription database (Still under £20 one off fee) as this will always be the main attraction on the site, having as it does over 82000 people, 6000 images and a lot more. The memory constraints of PHPGedview and other similar software means it cant compete with the TNG Database currently online.
If you wish to contribute please email to Subject "GedcomViewer" or if you have any questions, please make them known using the same email.
If you have not registered for your own personal account on this Gedcom Viewer yet, why wait? Its FREE.