//===========================================================================\\ // Aardvark Topsites PHP 5.2 \\ // Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Jeremy Scheff. All rights reserved. \\ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------\\ // http://www.aardvarktopsitesphp.com/ http://www.avatic.com/ \\ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------\\ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it \\ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the \\ // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your \\ // option) any later version. \\ // \\ // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \\ // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \\ // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General \\ // Public License for more details. \\ //===========================================================================\\ A good open source script requires a great community of contributors. Even if one person can code an entire project by themselves (which I didn't), they still typically do not have the artistic ability to design an attractive user interface and they definitely are not fluent in 20 different languages. So I really do appreciate everyone who has helped me code, design, and translate Aardvark Topsites PHP over the years. I also appreciate the people who have not directly worked with me, but have liberally licensed their work so programmers like myself can create better products by standing on their shoulders. It goes without saying that I owe a deep debt of gratitute to the creators of PHP, Apache, MySQL, Linux, and other prominent open source projects. However, in this file I would like to thank those who have directly aided in the development of Aardvark Topsites PHP and those whose work is currently distributed in this package. If I forgot to put your name here, I apologize; just email me or post at the forum and I will update it. If you're a PHP coder and you would like to see your name here, then email me (webmaster@aardvarkind.com) because I am always looking for new coders to bring into the project. - Jeremy ------ CODERS ------ Jeremy Scheff - Lead developer since the beginning - Wrote almost all of the code - Designed the Classic skin Matt Wells - Wrote original version of feed.php, backup_database.php, and probably a few other things that I'm forgetting - Optimized some of the SQL queries - Helped with the Fusion skin --------- DESIGNERS --------- Omar Hachem - Designed the Fusion skin OS-Mark - Improvements to the Fusion skin ----------- TRANSLATORS ----------- Bosnian (Bosanski) - Hame Czech (Česky) - Robert Adamek Danish (Dansk) - Helmuth Mikkelsen Finnish (Suomi) - Pekka Pelkonen French (Francais) - Kamisama German (Deutsch) - Michael Schiecke (Speedmike) Hebrew (עברית) - Dan_y2k Norwegian (Norsk) - Thomas Torjusen Polish (Polski) - zolw Romanian (Românã) - Adrian-Marius Mihai (Mastermind) Russian (Русский) - Andrey Kanevsky Serbian (Srpski) - wukaschin Spanish (Español) - Eduardo Sainz (Up to version 5.1.2) - Victor Montero (Sayoran) (Since version 5.2.0) Turkish (Türkçe) - Ergün Acar (Up to version 5.1.2) - M.Bahattin EKEN (Since version 5.2.0) ----- OTHER ----- captcha.php is based on HN Captcha 1.3 by Horst Nogajski: http://hn273.users.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1569.html The captcha uses several GPL and public domain fonts: - Kozmic Jagged Hands and Rubbing Font - Bitstream Vera Sans Bold and Bitstream Vera Serif - OCR-A